“Give yourself permission to really fall in love with this life,
and celebrate each moment of this existence!”
~ Message from the Divine Feminine through Jasmuheen ~
Namaste mooie Ziel,
Dankbaar voor het kruizen van onze paden,
Dankbaar voor het vertrouwen dat ik je Hart mocht aanraken,
Misschien zelfs een stukje verder openen…
Dankbaar dat ik weer een jaar dit prachtige werk mocht doen…
En voor volgend jaar, I wonder…
What if our Religion was each other?
If our Practise was our Life?
If Prayer was our Words?
What if the Temple was the Earth?
If Forests were our church?
If Holy Water – the Rivers, Lakes and Oceans?
What if Meditation was our Relationships?
If the Teacher was Life?
If Wisdom was self-knowledge?
If Love was the center of our Being..?
~ A poem by Ganga White ~
What if next year we all realised, we are Infinite Love…
In Liefde & ‘infinite’ dankbaarheid voor onze verbinding…
Namaste beautiful Soul,
Grateful that our paths have crossed,
Grateful for you allowing me to touch your heart,
Maybe even open it a bit further…
Grateful for another year of enjoying the best job ever…
And for next year, I wonder…
What if our Religion was each other?
If our Practise was our Life?
If Prayer was our Words?
What if the Temple was the Earth?
If Forests were our church?
If Holy Water – the Rivers, Lakes and Oceans?
What if Meditation was our Relationships?
If the Teacher was Life?
If Wisdom was self-knowledge?
If Love was the center of our Being..?
~ A poem by Ganga White ~
What if next year we all realised, we are all Infinite Love…
Infinite Love, Grace & Gratitude for our connection…
You are here to enable the divine purpose of the
universe to unfold.
That is how important you are…!
~ Eckhard Tolle ~
praktijk Germaine Domatilia
De Moucheronstraat 14 | 2593 RA Den Haag | +31 (0)6 36 18 66 55
germaine.domatilia@planet.nl | www.germainedomatilia.nl | http://germaine-domatilia.blogspot.com
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